Top Gun Training CentreALIVE Active Shooter Survival

Proud Affiliate of:

Threat Management
and Protection, Inc®

Helping Businesses Worldwide.

We provide investigative, confidential research, armed and unarmed security services as well as high-level personal protection to select corporate clients and governments.

Get Protection

Our Services

Corporate Investigation

When working with Threat Management And Protection, you limit your risks when developing new markets and/or partners. TMAP can effectively perform the necessary intelligence and due diligence for your new or expanded business ventures. We will assess a broad spectrum of risks from government interference, corruption, criminal, intellectual property rights and abuse, regulatory constraints, and more.

Executive Protection Bodyguards

Our executive protection specialists provide Close Personal Protection services to ensure the safety of corporate executives and other individuals who may be exposed to elevated personal risk because of their employment, wealth, celebrity status, associations or geographical location.

Corporate Security Services

TMAP’s approach to security is a simple and effectual two-fold approach: Do everything you can to prevent a problem before it occurs and have the fastest and most effective response when necessary.

Fraud Investigation

When it comes to fraud prevention, asset investigations, fraud investigations and asset recovery, no one beats Threat Management And Protection, Inc.® . Our team of special investigators, former police officers and forensic accountants are experts at fraud prevention and at investigating fraud and the misappropriation of funds.

TMAP Divisions | Worldwide Services

Protecting your company assets around the globe

Threat Management And Protection, Inc.® (TMAP) is a global security solutions provider capable of operating in any country, region, or internationally with a high level of competence, professionalism, and efficiency. TMAP has the knowledge and resources that your company needs and we have a history of effective responses to all of the challenges your business faces today. Whether you need a complete security plan or expertise to supplement your existing capabilities our skilled, professional staff will provide you with the best solutions for all your needs. To find out why the world-wide services of TMAP is the right choice and how we can assist you call us at 1 (800) 926-8110.

TMAP Divisions | Background Investigation Services

Investigation, Executive Protection, and Corporate Security Services

TMAP-Backgrounds™ provides a wide variety of timely and accurate background investigation and verification services using targeted local resources with global reach and coverage. We understand the needs of, and work closely with, corporate human resource departments, legal firms, school districts, business owners, landlords, and more.

Our experienced and highly skilled team of investigative experts provide a complete line of Investigation and Verification Services including:

TMAP Divisions | Top Gun Training Center

Real world firearms training since 1983.

Our advanced technique of Integrative Firearms Training © will enable you to effectively and efficiently operate your firearm when under survival stress.

Our courses are far more then just “shooting classes”. Each is a carefully researched curriculum designed to produce “winners”, not merely survivors.

Our programs are not “combat games”. It is a training doctrine which focuses equally on developing the participants Gun Safety & Gun Handling Skills, Marksmanship Skills, Tactical Firearms and Warrior Spirit.

Our firearms training courses are not just for armed professionals or even so called firearm enthusiasts. They are designed for ordinary people who want to be able to safely and efficiently operate their firearm and then effectively defend themselves with it.


  • 5
    Wonderful.  You’re amazing.  Thank you!
    Anna M. Stancu, Sheppard Mullin
  • 5
    Whenever a corporate client of mine needs a private investigator (whether to provide litigation support, conduct a background check, conduct a workplace violence investigation or provide security services) I turn to RJ. RJ is very detailed-oriented and has produced great results for my corporate clients. I would highly recommend RJ and his firm, Threat Management And Protection, Inc.
    Ron S Brand, Kahana & Feld LLP
  • 5
    I have worked with RJ on a number of difficult and sensitive projects, and he has exceeded my (and my clients’) expectations on every single one.
    Ernest W. (“Will”) Klatte, III, Managing Partner at Klatte, Budensiek & Young-Agriesti, LLP