Do you know how to avoid allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace? Do you know what steps must be taken immediately to limit liability and ensure personal security?
If not, you should call TMAP today. We can provide training on how to avoid sexual harassment in the workplace and to appropriately manage incidents should they occur. We can also help you implement safe-guards to ensure integrity and safety within your company.
In the event that allegations of sexual harassment do occur, there are several steps that must take immediately. Our seasoned professionals are experts at sexual harassment prevention and conducting sexual harassment investigations. We can assist you every step of the way in your investigation or if you prefer we can take over management of all required activities.
Carefully interview employees. Obtain written statements whenever possible. Review the complete situation with counsel if appropriate and get their guidance as the investigation proceeds.
Schedule a meeting with the alleged harasser. Interview this person and discuss the evidence obtained. Again, it is highly desirable to obtain a written statement.
Look at the personnel records of the alleged harasser and the complainant to determine whether there are any incidents that will assist in an investigation of the current complaint.
If it is found that there has been sexual harassment, ensure that the alleged harasser to stays away from the complainant and does not interfere with the investigation.
Take extreme care to preserve the confidentiality of the investigation and statements obtained. Document every step taken.
Did you know that pre-employment screening background checks including a criminal records check by TMAP-Backgrounds™ can significantly reduce your exposure to sexual harassment in the workplace?
To learn more about how TMAP can help your company with sexual harassment prevention or deal with allegations of sexual harassment please call us in the U.S. toll free at 1 (888) 926-8110, outside the U.S. at +1 714-352-7190, or click here to send us a message.